Jai Verma – Retired GP Surgery Practice Manager
“I was born in Meerut, near Delhi, North India, and came to England in October 1971. My husband lived in Derby, where he was a doctor in the hand surgery department of the Derby Royal Infirmary. We then moved to Newcastle, but I just couldn’t understand the accent. I’d like to go back, to see if I can understand it any better now. We also lived in Barnsley for a while, before moving to the Aspley part of Nottingham in 1976.”
“I have happy memories of Aspley, but we wanted to live in Beeston, and started looking for houses here. That was in 1982. My late husband and I have lived here ever since. We loved the small town feel of the place. I used to enjoy seeing the farmers on Common Lane who used to sell their veg, while I walked our dog. Whenever we were returning from our travels, I’ve always loved seeing the ‘A52’ sign on the M1, as it meant that we were nearly home.”
“I love the small independent shops, the railway station and our lovely library. Beeston railway station is a classic design. One that hasn’t changed much since it was built. But it does need a lift though. As it can be difficult for some people to get from one platform to the other. The loss of the Town Hall is a worry. The tram is important to everyone. Beeston is still a town that has banks, and free car parking. The beach has been a good idea, and the new wall art is wonderful. So too is the marina. And we have some lovely restaurants. I especially like Cafe Roya. I feel Beeston is an upcoming place.”
“I’ve been a member of Beeston Fields Golf Club for 25 years now. I learnt the game quite by accident in the 80s, although I have been playing badminton since I was 11. I’ve taught badminton at Clarendon College. And cookery too. I’ve learnt flower arranging.”
“I studied English literature, art and economics in India, and studied BTEC Business and Finance at Broxtowe College. Afterwards, I studied Business Management at Nottingham Trent University, then did a Post-Graduate course in Service Management. During the cold winter of 2000 I started writing poetry. I’m not sure how and why. I used to go to an Asian poetry group in Birmingham, which was well attended. But there wasn’t one in Nottingham. So in 2003, I started a Hindi writing group, Gitanjali, with two of my friends. Now up to 31 people get together to share their poems and stories, and the group is now called Kavya Rang (Colours of Poetry).”
“I’ve been very happy living in Beeston, with my family and friends. Beeston has been the place for me.”
Words: Christopher Frost
Photo credit: Christopher Frost